Dedication: I met Heather through Emma when I was living in Wellington and then she moved to London with her bf, Simon. They’ve since married, moved to Tasmania, had three children and live with loads of animals and Simon’s mother. They hosted me for a few days in Taz and it was just perfect. I also got to spend a bit of time with Heather and it was just like old times. I think I’d be driven crazy by that many things going on but they both love it and seem the most content of anyone I’ve seen recently. I said all your names in the dedication at this temple you guys – it took a long time!
Temple: Idoji
Picture: I had to walk through the first big road tunnel I’d come across to get to the second bangai temple. It was pretty scary, especially when a big truck whipped past. I didn’t try and hold my breath like Ed’s old game. It took me about 10 minutes to walk through.